“Now a word was brought to me stealthily; my ear received the whisper of it. Amid thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake.”  Job 4:12-14

Twisted up in the sheets, I woke in a cold sweat. Fear coursed through my body and I found myself in panic. A man was looking up in anguish. Sweat was dripping down his furrowed brow and his eyes were welling up in tears. He kept muttering, “I lost everything… everything.” He was so distraught and hopeless looking. Again, he muttered, “EVERYTHING, I lost EVERYTHING!”

The more I thought about what I saw, the more distressed I got. I realized I knew this man. He was my Father! This was the man that was the “Rock of Gibraltar.” A self-made man who never showed fear and was always full of confidence but now I saw him in complete anguish and looking devastated. He was a broken man, fallen on his knees, in sheer misery and weeping over all he had lost. I found myself haunted by seeing my dad in such anguish and pain and I couldn’t shake his image out of my head. More and more, a foreboding sense came over me and it became tougher and tougher to pray. I began to question what I had seen in the dream. Was that really my dad? Did he really lose everything? Finally, the Lord spoke to me in my early morning devotions with a few short words that rocked my world. He said, “Why are you so concerned? It wasn’t YOUR MONEY!”